Wednesday, April 11, 2007

This is your Captain speaking

You know why I'm here. The title sets you up for that piece of knowledge. I'm not just here to complain. I'm here to inform, abuse, and more importantly, attempt to create change.

Yes the world is fucked

And this blog does shit squat to help if all i do is bitch. So from time to time ill hopefully be able to add information on ways to change for the better, help the planet yada yada. And what I am doing to change the world.

Most blogs focus upon one to three topics, usually one, upon which the writer gives an opinion that they expect the general public to read. my blogs are kind of similar. but a tad different in one aspect.

not only do i wish people to read it. I wish they may learn from it.

and if one person can walk away from my blog and make a difference, ill die happy

if not, ill have something else to bitch about

So good luck reading my blogs

I guarantee a good read, abuse, swearing, and whatnot.



Amo said...


Amo said...

well it better be!!
hehe love you jack!!

laur said...


Emily said...

Shit squat?

Sounds like school camp.

You should change your name to that.
It would be funner.

carrie . said...

ello ello luketh!
or should i say.. aguirre??
nice blog tharr :)
*high five*
have a nice dayyyyy!